Audrey joined Target's Finance team in 2023, her role as Director of the Unlisted Funds element of the business incorporates financial planning and analysis, managing equity drawdowns and distributions, investor reporting, and ensuring compliance with fund conditions/documentation, which has a strong focus on ESG matters. As such Audrey's role involves close collaboration with Target's Investment and Asset Management teams as the Unlisted Fund's portfolio of care homes expands.
Audrey is a Chartered Accountant, she specialised in Corporate Finance Advisory at Deloitte in London, with a focus on transactions in the Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure sector. Following a secondment to Group M&A at HBOS, where she led the due diligence engagement with HMT and their advisors in respect of the Government Asset Protection Scheme, Audrey joined Lloyds Banking Group's Commercial Banking Portfolio Management team. During her time at LBG Audrey spent two years working on the Ring-fencing Programme where she led the bank's engagement with the 'Skilled Person' team that had been appointed by HMT and the regulators to produce a report for the High Court to aid the Judge in reaching his opinion on the bank's approach to ring-fencing.